Snake's voice in Metal Gear Solid would want to interpret Lobezno at Marvel's Wolverine

The past PlayStation Showcase left us interesting news as the announcement of Marvel's Spider-Man 2 , the expected sequel to the magnificent Spider-Man of Insomniac Games 2018, which expanded with the adventure of thousands of morals, and in which We will face one of the most iconic villains of the Trepamuros Franchise.

David Hayter has never abandoned his interest in video games but was not the only Marvel announced license , Insomniac Games repeated with another Marvel character, this time from the universe of the X-Men , and he did it with a brief trailer who presented us to Lobezno in a tavern, with his most classic look and with a striking close-up of his claws. Since it is still at a very early moment of development, it has been speculated about many aspects of the character and how I would focus insomniac .

He has shared on Twitter his desire to interpret to Lobezno One of the characteristics that most defines the characters in videogames is his dubbing, the actor feedback with the character by defining a unique personality . One of the most famous dubbing actors of videogames in the West is David Hayter , the famous actor recently worked on projects such as Bloodstained, but is recognized by his role in the Saga Metal Gear Solid .

The Wolverine - Bar Scene (1080p)

Snake's voice became so iconic that even Jade Raymond pointed over the replacement of the actor in Metal Gear Solid V. Hayter has always been interested in his work in the industry and this time he has Made by the character of Lobezno, he has shown it on his Twitter account, where he has taken advantage of the support received by fans to show his desire to interpret Logan in the next PlayStation video game. If you want to know all the secrets that hides the trailer of Marvel's Wolverine Remember that you have available the article in which our partner, Chema Mansilla, discovers all the curiosities and Easter eggs hidden in it.
