Invest in Double Jump Tokyo, a company specialist in Com2uS Group blockchain

Com2us Group announced on the 28th that it has invested in (CEO Hironobu Ueno), a Japanese NFT and blockchain company.

Crowd1-Дубай 2022 с Оксаной Смирновой и Аллой Князевой Com2us Group participated in the series C funding jointly hosted by three companies, Double Jump Tokyo, Amber Group, and Jump Crypto. Double Jump Tokyo will secure a total of $ 25 million in investment to develop NFT solutions and blockchain games, which are core business areas. In addition to the Com2us Group, the company will participate as an investment company, including Access Ventures, Dentsu Ventures, Polygon, and Protocol Labs.

This investment is part of a wide range of work for Com2uS Group to secure global WEB3 lond. Com2uS Group is a global blockchain technology that develops a promising blockchain game company '5X5 Gaming', a professional organization that develops blockchain games and methus -based digital assets, and 'Breederdao'. It is discovering to strengthen investment and cooperation.

Com2us Group and Double Jump Tokyo also participated in the Oasys project to build a partnership. Oasis is a global blockchain project that connects various values quickly and conveniently. There are 21 global game companies including Double Jump Tokyo, Bandai Namco, Sega, and Crypto Games. Double Jump Tokyo is a representative NFT and blockchain game developer in Japan, and provides NFT commercial solutions that make NFT -issued, management and sales easily, including famous blockchain games such as My Crypto Heroes. The company has been recognized for its unique technology in the web3, such as partnering with companies leading Japan's future technologies such as 'Square Enix', 'Bandai Namco', 'Sega', 'Line' and 'Bitflyer'. there is. In the future, if the Com2uS Group will enter the Japanese market as a WEB3 game, the two companies will be synergistic.

Meanwhile, Com2us Group is participating as a major content provider on the C2X platform. The C2X platform is a blockchain ecosystem built on the WEB3 spirit. You can enjoy various cultural contents centered on the game, create real value, and aim for a blockchain platform where users can directly participate. This year, Com2us Group plans to introduce more than 10 high quality Web3 games, including Summers War: Chronicle and World of Genonia.


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